What Does Smoking Do to Your Teeth?

September 16, 2019 by Serene Dental

14 of every 100 individuals age eighteen and over smoke in the United States, according to a 2017 Center for Disease Control report. This means 14% of America is lighting up!  The Surgeon General has been warning people for decades, emphasizing that smoking is bad for your health. But what makes it bad for you? And in particular, what does smoking do to your teeth?  You're most likely aware of how smoking affects your ...

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How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

August 26, 2019 by Serene Dental

How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush Most people are surprised to learn that the average toothbrush contains over 700 kinds of bacteria. Fungi, viruses, and tiny microorganisms sit on the bristles of toothbrushes around the world, establishing a foundation for diseases to form. If the thought of bacteria dwelling on the toothbrush you routinely place in your mouth doesn’t peak your curiosity about changing your oral hygiene habits, think about the poor physical ...

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Why You Should Stop Drinking Soda

July 23, 2019 by Serene Dental

Why You Should Stop Drinking Soda Value your pearly whites? Enjoy the appearance of your smile? Then, it is in your best interest to stop drinking soda.  Soda is a delicious treat. However, many people drink soda on a consistent basis. Most individuals don't just stop with one! Some people may drink soda throughout the day to alleviate stress or to stay more alert. Drinking soda in this manner is highly likely to damage ...

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