Celebrating Dental Assistants

March 11, 2024 by Serene Dental

Dental Assistant Recognition Week is an annual celebration dedicated to honoring the invaluable contributions of dental assistants to the field of dentistry. These unsung heroes play a crucial role in the smooth functioning of dental practices, providing essential support to dentists and ensuring the well-being of patients. Without our dental assistants, we would be lost! We are so thankful for how they support our dentists and patients every day. Keep reading to learn more about ...

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Understanding Tooth Sensitivity After Dental Crowns

December 8, 2023 by Serene Dental

Dental crowns are a common and effective solution for restoring damaged or decayed teeth. While these restorations offer durability and functionality, some individuals may experience tooth sensitivity after the placement of dental crowns. In this comprehensive blog, we'll discuss the factors that can lead to tooth sensitivity after dental crown placement and explore potential solutions to address this common concern. Dental Crown Basics Purpose of Dental Crowns Dental crowns, also called caps, are prosthetic ...

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Root Canal Awareness Week – Everything You Should Know!

May 3, 2023 by Serene Dental

Root canal therapy (RCT) is one of the most feared dental procedures, but it shouldn’t be! During Root Canal Awareness Week, we want to share information about RCT to help our patients who need endodontic therapy feel more at ease about their treatment. “Root Canal” Defined First things first– let’s make sure we understand the basic terms. Technically speaking, the root canal is the pulp or inner part of the tooth, not a ...

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TMJ Awareness Month

November 11, 2022 by Serene Dental

The temporomandibular joint (also called the jaw joint or TMJ) is one of the most frequently used joints in the human body. These all-too-important joints allow us to speak, chew, yawn, and laugh. So, when our jaws fall victim to injury or dysfunction, it can have devastating effects on our physical, mental, and social health. Luckily, calling attention to these overworked (and underappreciated!) joints can help you avoid painful TMJ disorders in the future. And ...

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National Dental Hygiene Month

October 9, 2022 by Serene Dental

October is National Dental Hygiene Month! Let’s talk about the amazing world of dental hygiene and our awesome dental hygienists. Dental hygienists assist the dentist with performing dental cleanings and other preventative care such as dental sealants and fluoride treatment. They are an essential part of every dental practice and celebrating Dental Hygiene Month means celebrating them too. How important is dental hygiene? Much like personal hygiene, dental hygiene focuses on your oral health ...

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Dental Assistant Recognition Week

March 8, 2022 by Serene Dental

Dental Assistants Recognition Week™ (also known as DARW) is held the first full week in March (this year, it's March 6-12), and we want to take this opportunity to give our hard-working dental assistants the recognition they deserve! Our dental assistants are crucial to the success of our practice. They perform multiple functions, and we couldn't provide the level of patient care we do without them. One of the dental assistant's most ...

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5 Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

November 1, 2021 by Serene Dental

There are some things those of us over a certain age know all too well, like minivans without screens, phones attached to cords, and silver dental fillings. We’re now reaping the rewards of advancing technology (for the most part). Road trips are quieter thanks to mobile entertainment systems, phones are everywhere (usually in our hands), and metal amalgam fillings are no longer the only option. Today, dental practitioners can place composite resins, also known ...

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Should I Be Worried About Tooth Enamel Loss?

April 29, 2021 by Serene Dental

As children, we’re taught that if we don’t take care of our teeth properly – brush daily, floss regularly, and watch our sugar intake - we’ll get cavities. However, as adults, we realize that there’s more to oral health than avoiding cavities alone - enter enamel erosion. What is tooth enamel? Enamel is the tooth’s thin, translucent outer layer. Harder than bone, tooth enamel is the first line of defense against decay. It ...

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How Often Should I Brush My Teeth

January 29, 2021 by Serene Dental

In an ideal world, we would all have a travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss ready for use after every meal, snack, and coffee break. Realistically, however, this level of oral hygiene adherence rarely (if ever) occurs. So, what does that mean for those of us who generally go all day without so much as a swish of mouthwash? Are we really doing more harm than we know? And, what about those people who forget to ...

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5 Tips to Maintain Healthy Teeth During the Holidays

December 30, 2020 by Serene Dental

The holidays are here and with them come all the joys of the season – lights and decorations, time with friends and family, and those special treats we only get this time of year. Unfortunately, the special treats we love so much can lead to damaged teeth and an unwanted trip to the dentist, which will definitely not have you feeling holly and jolly.  We don’t want you to miss out on all the fun ...

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